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Monday, 23 August 2010

How To Start Get a USP For Your Own Internet Mail Order Business

eBay corporate logoImage via Wikipedia

Our objective is making online sales through eBay at the best margins and with the most buyers.
You must set out a brand or rather a business promise that makes you unique.
A brand is simply your customer promise and this creates a selling philosophy or as we might say a “unique selling proposition” or “USP” to maximiuse your eBay sales.

Your Approach To Clients
Successful eBay entrepreneurs will tell you a “lowest price” strategy, is rarely possible as you compete with stock disposal and bankrupt companies and even the odd batch of knocked off stuff.
In truth reality says you will not be the lowest priced seller of an item and that means planning a selling strategy of  how you will price your items and also focus on another feature rather than just price to make you attractive to potential customers.

You must approach price and USP together.
If your unique selling position is that your merchandise is for the high end, more discriminating collector or buyer, your pricing can also be high end, reflecting the value of snob appeal of your product. 

If on the other hand, your unique selling proposition is affordable quality, your pricing can be higher than the scally wags because you are selling quality, but still needs to remain in the range that your market considers affordable.

Unique Selling Proposition
To make the difference you will have to be different
We like the quality version of a chosen product. For example, if you sell sandwich boxes, you might want to position yourself as the seller with the sandwich box that will last through a child’s entire educational path from nursery to first job. 

Your product may be just a little different than anything else out there and that makes it desirable. You may import your tea from little known estate in Sri Lanka so the true tea
 enthusiasts will line up to buy your special brew.

Your product may be a real problem solver. This strategy works especially well in an area that you know well, so you have a good understanding of the common problems that people face, and which solutions might resonate well. For example, if you sell window fixings and you find a mastic gun that won’t leak on a surface if it falls over, or a chefs knife that is child-proof enough so that even accident-prone kids can use it without slicing a finger, your selling proposition is clear – you fixed a problem and that’s always worth a little extra

You don’t need a unique product as a unique seller can get more business. For example, you can be the seller of health products that can tell customers how to use them properly, storen them correctly, use them on a 100 different ailments and so on. Maybe you send along a little pamphlet with each pot sold or send a link to an eBook with special information for your health product customers only.

Many products are easy to understand; others require some  your expertise. A buyer would pay more from a person who not only sells the product but also helps you use it. If you sell video games, maybe you have special website that users can go to exchange information about playing the game. 
If you sell golf books about sporting tips, you include two phone calls where you answer questions or give advice.
Or, be the fastest shipper around and/or the safest shipper. Guarantee same day shipping along with shipping insurance and special packaging. Online buyers appreciate any methods that reduce the cost and hassle of shipping and waiting for delivery.
Snob Appeal
Here’s a fun selling proposition if you can manage it. Do you know someone with some celebrity status who uses your product and will endorse it for you? Maybe you sell high end pet supplies and saw a picture in an entertainment magazine of a celebrity toting her toy poodle in your carrier. It might be possible to simply use the photo (with permission) or contact the person and see if she’ll talk about why she likes your carrier. Your products begin to have “snob appeal” and you can build on that status.

Now do not be shy tell everybody about it
Once you determine your USP, you need to use it to brand yourself and your eBay listings. Try to condense your selling proposition into one clear and concise statement. For example:
  • “Let our box keep your child's sandwiches fresh until they get their first job”
  • “Rare tea for serious tea drinkers”
  • “Treat your pet like celebrities do”
Use the USP in all your listings and marketing materials. You don’t have to repeat the same phrase all the time, but be sure your theme runs through your marketing materials.
Build your pricing model based on your USP. If your theme is high quality, rare or high status, your pricing can be higher. If your theme is catering to the family budget with affordable quality, you may want to run specials in line with family occasions, such as back to school, summer vacation and so on.
Finally, deliver on your USP’s promise. If your theme involves quality, be sure that your products stand up to scrutiny and offer a money back guarantee for anyone not satisfied.
Sellers who can successfully differentiate themselves in the EBay marketplace are the most likely to succeed.

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