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Wednesday 15 September 2010

Beat the BIG players in SEO with a new strategy

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase
As we see the competition mounting in landing a high ranking through search engine optimisation growing more competitive by the day, often blocking small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SME's) from achieving top spots online, more businesses are turning to social media to find new customers.

Many of Netbods customers, meanwhile, are also starting use the search functions on Twitter, Facebook and getting referrals from their friends and contacts

Getting online referrals from their friends/contacts is more valuable than a static website, we say Websites are like businesses cards, great to show people at first glance who you are. However, consumers want more up-to-the-minute information, and want to see how others interact with your business.

Social media, is a key role in marketing for almost any business, it’s not going away and early adopters of social media will be miles ahead as are those who first got websites.

If you have an old website then keep it as oldwww.netbods.neter sites are often ranked higher than newer websites.

Netbods research backs up the growing importance of social media. Seventy-eight percent of Facebook users returned to news websites, compared to 67 percent from the search giant Google (Nasdaq: GOOG).

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