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Sunday 25 July 2010

Earn money blogging

Many people start a blog on a subject they have great knowledge to share and then panic once when they have shared everything that they know. 
How can you avoid this problem in order to earn big blogging money?
Here are some great ways where you can get ideas to make articles for your post:
 1. Use Google: – Google is a place to get ideas to post. Write keywords and search them on Google. You will get plenty of results and contents. Use those contents to get an idea for a new post.
 2. Use Yahoo Answers: – Yahoo Answers has users worldwide. Go to Yahoo Answers and search question-answers for your keywords. If you not get any question-answers related to your keywords, sign up for a Yahoo account then post questions to get posting ideas about your niche. Another idea is pick  questions those are related with your niche from Yahoo Answers and try to solve them. Write 300 to 400 words article on each question and post those articles at your blog.
 3. Visit Other High Trafficked Blog: – You should make it a habit to visit other high trafficked blogs. 
Discover what other bloggers are doing. See how they are posting. You will get new ideas and then you can post interesting articles.
4. Use Online Forums: – Online Forums are the places where people look answer for their online troubles. Join good forum sites then ask questions related with your niche.
5. Use Digg: – Digg is a great place to find new ideas. Thousands of people share their knowledge and articles in Digg. You need to just visit Digg then find your topic. 
6. Google and Yahoo groups: – There are lots of online groups on thousands of topic. Go to Google and Yahoo, search for your topical groups. Seek some good groups and join them. 
7. Check Your Older Posts: – If you have lots of posts, you should renew your older posts with a little extra content. Another great idea is write a few lines post with the links of older posts.
Are you are serious about making money by blogging?
Get serious about your content and your posts. Posting good quality posts with consistency is the way to make big blogging money.

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