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Monday 19 July 2010

Social Networking Budgets Are Set To Grow

Social networkImage via Wikipedia
With companies like Dell owning up to making millions just from Twitter it makes sense that companies are going to spend more on social media

eMarketer estimates that, overall, 5.5% of US online advertising budgets will be spent on social networking advertising in 2010. The percentages are not directly comparable, but suggest retailer spending is low.
First, the Shop.org data includes not just spending on social networks but on any social media. Further, eMarketer’s figure includes only advertising, not non-advertising marketing. Since the social channel puts a heavy emphasis on marketing tactics over traditional ads, it seems likely that a look at overall marketing budgets should increase or at least maintain the share toward social.
The Shop.org study found most retailers were measuring their success in social media, but the most popular ways were through soft metrics like follower and subscriber counts.
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