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81 Oxford Street, LONDON W1D 2EU, United Kingdom

Tuesday 3 August 2010


This is icon for social networking website. Th...Image via Wikipedia

After a couple of weeks I gained almost 70 following fans with 3-4 new members joining everyday! 
These are all business people,who are interested in supporting and networking with each other! To be a part of this exclusive group first you must “like” everyone. 
Look for Others. Once you’ve added everyone then  to be added to the list and signed up to receive weekly email notifications when new members join. Enjoy! –  This idea came from Facebook Guru Michelle who has several hundred fans in three weeks
for Other Members to Become a Fan (leave a comment)
2) Anyone that Replies on http://www.facebook.com/pages/httpwwwnetbodscouk/142448932434351?ref=ts#!/pages/httpwwwnetbodscouk/142448932434351?ref=ts that they have become a fan, then you become a fan of their page.
3) Become a fan of everyone that is listed, and post a reply comment to each person that you have become a fan of.
I invite you to my fan my Facebook page and I will do the same:

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