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81 Oxford Street, LONDON W1D 2EU, United Kingdom

Sunday 15 August 2010

Email Our 1.4 Million UK Buyers and discover the most cost effective method for you to reach your customers.

E-mail shots are big business and you will benefit from 50% off for all bookings* for bulk email shots *orders placed by 30th September 2010

We Have 1.4 Million UK People Looking For Your Offer And We Will Email Them For You.
Alternatively we can source 100 million targeted email addresses in the USA divided into specific sectors.

Netbods of Oxford Street London are preparing for a September pre-launch package allowing you to maximise awareness, increase footfall and improve your current web presence.

  • Netbods have an opted in 1.4 Million email contacts ready to broadcast your offering to
  • You get a FREE voucher micro website to place your offer on
  • We will broadcast your offer to social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook


Make an e-broadcast or bodcast as we call it is a regular 

newsletter sent to our opted in audience

  • Send your offer to 50,0000 0r 100,000 email contacts across a local region or a million across the UK and even 100 million across the big pond in North America
  • The bodcast is sent an email including a link driving targeted prospects to a printable pdf page or website designed, hosted and managed by Netbods  to uniquely only market your special offer. To claim the offer our prospects only need leave an email address
  • Netbods have designed for clients such as Heinz, Mars, BBC, Youngs Seafood and for this campaign all voucher design and email artwork is included



  • We can host your promotional website for as long as you like or we can even change the site for your next campaign
  • Advertise your own offer on a micro site especially tailored to the offer for maximum conversion
  • We will change the copy for no charge so long as you make an email bodcast through Netbods on a quarterly basis allowing you to change offers or target locally for rvery relevant region page
  • Your offer will be current news and could achieve a fast result on search engines to allow for maximum exposure. You can even link this site to any current  ‘latest offers’ page on your existing website 

    Twitter & Facebook

    • We will broadcast your offer to Twitter followers and can create hundreds or thousands of new offer hungry followers
    • This offer will be backed up with a Facebook Fan page and allow all important feedback
    • This creates a mix of social marketing, email broadcasting and adds value through creating a shared link on your offer for people to share with their friends and family via these lucrative social networking platforms and this could expose you to hundreds of millions more people
    • FOR MORE DETAILS CALL UK 0845 056 9325
    • Visit http://www.netbods.co.uk/

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