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Tuesday 3 August 2010

Preparing Recovery Through Marketing

Royal Mail Ford Transit van (September 2006) C...Image via Wikipedia

Internet Business Consultancy Netbods are revealing the findings of research conducted recently and this shows that marketing expenditure is on the up and should carry on into 2011.
Whilst 65% of SME's ignore SEO that means 35% are predicting an increase in marketing spend, with SEO coming out as the most important medium. 
Obviously this is great news for those Internet companies and marketers iinvoved and means it is the time to use SEO for profit
Investing In SEO
It’s always the BIG companies that see it first and then the savvy business owner will be investing. More and more people are beginning to prefer online purchases, and SEO is a great way to attract those customers. As such, more and more businesses are implementing an SEO strategy. Including your competitors. If you don’t want to fall behind, you’ll need to invest soon.

Marketing Society UK - Royal Mail Index July-December 2010

Author: Marketing Society UK and Royal Mail Date: 27 July 2010
The latest confidence tracker compiled by Royal Mail and the Marketing Society reveals how the UK's top marketers plan to use their budgets over the next six months, including priority channels. It shows that 33% of marketing directors are optimistic about potential budget increases, predicting a boost in marketing spend for the rest of 2010.
The survey of more than 100 of the Marketing Society’s biggest brand directors also showed that they are prioritising their budget for acquisition, with 43% saying they would focus on finding new customers. This is a significant increase on the previous six months, which saw just 28% of marketers committing the lion’s share of their budget to acquisition.
In terms of media mix, there was a trend towards narrowcasting – more segmented messaging – and personalised marketing. Search engine optimisation (SEO) came top with 45% of respondents rating it as the most important medium, followed by social media (42%) and word of mouth (37%); 27% named direct mail as their key channel in the coming months.
Other key findings include:
• 19% will concentrate on retaining existing customers.
• 15% specified brand building as their primary goal.
• 54% of directors surveyed said their marketing budget would remain the same for the next six months.
• Cinema, radio and customer publishing were considered the least important channels in the current climate, achieving 1.4%, 6% and 8.5%, respectively.

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